Project-Based Learning
Design Certificate Course

Four part online workshop series w/ a cohort and the help of AI to design a deep, curricular infused, meaningful PBL experience that grows socially, emotionally and globally empowered citizens.

$365 USD per person. (20% discount for teams of 5 or more)


This immersive and personalized 4 session project- based Learning certificate program couples synchronous virtual workshops and coaching, with short asynchronous lessons to help you design, or enhance a high-quality project-based experience that develops active, empowered learners. Through weekly workshops and the support of a small cohort, you will walk away with a project-based experience that infuses curriculum, empowers learners, allows for authetic assessment, and creates more socially, globally and emotionally aware citizens.

Who It's For

Teachers, Home School Facilitators, PBL Team Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Edtech Facilitators, and others looking to design more meaningful learning experiences.


4 weekly workshops 
10 total PD Hours
2.5 hours synchronous/ asynchronous work per week


$365 USD per person

20% discount for groups of 5 or more 

Cohorts: Minimum of 10 and Maximum of 20 per cohort


  • Learn how to design and implement the 7 components of high-quality project- based experiences

  • Learn to use AI and Chat GPT as a co-planner
  • Learn the simple 5 step project design process 

  • Learn how to integrate curricular standards

  • Learn strategies for multiple and varied formative and summative project assessment

  • Learn how to develop resources to support student independent learning
  • Learn techniques for overcoming the most common challenges with project-based learning, including student motivation and differentiation


  • Short, Supplementary Asynchronous Video Lessons and Resources 

  • Four regular virtual cohort meetings to tune projects and overcome challenges with implementation

  • Individual Coaching Session for PBL Implementation

  • Expert Practitioner Facilitation

  • Project Review and Feedback

  • Certificate for 16 Professional Development Hours

Course Timeline

Week 1

Certificate Course Starts.
Meet fellow participants. Introductions. Project Sharing. Establish goals. PBL Readings. PBL vs. ‘Doing Projects.’ 

What does high-quality PBL look like? What are the major components?

Week 1-2

Module #1: Understanding PBL
Understand PBL basics and case studies

What does each component of high-quality PBL look like in model projects (both in-person and hybrid)? What’s the difference between ‘doing projects’ and ‘project- based learning?’ How do you come up with good project ideas?

Week 2

Cohort Meeting #1:
Understanding Project-Based Experiences: Coming up with Project Ideas, Crafting Driving Questions and Infusion of content/skills.

How to use design projects that merge curriculum, real world topics, and 21st century skills? Qualities of essential questions and how to develop driving, essential questions for PBL experiences? How to integrate standards?

Week 2-3

Module #2: Planning PBL
Designing Project-Based Experiences

How to scaffold and organize PBL lessons, experiences and activities? Integrate standards, skills and curriculum content? How to launch projects and exhibit student work?

Week 3

Cohort Meeting #2:
Designing Hybrid PBL

Share Updated Project plan (using project planning template). Tune Driving Questions and Learn how to scaffold and timeline the experience. 

Week 3-4

Module #3: Assessing PBL
Assessing PBL for both ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ skills

How to authentically assess PBL? How to scaffold milestones and experiences? How to structure authentic formative and summative assessment? How to use portfolios, critique and self/ peer assessment rubrics to support student growth in project-based experiences?

Week 4

Cohort Meeting #3:
Assessing PBL

Share assessment plans. Tune assessment methods and discuss varied methods of assessment. Introduce strategies for managing project-based experiences. 

Week 4-5

Module #4: Managing PBL
Managing Project-Based Experiences

How to manage projects in face 2 face and remote environments? How to foster collaboration and support teams? How to create independent learners? How to develop project calendars?

Week 5

Cohort Meeting #4:
PBL Management and Overall Project Share

Share project briefs and management plans and PBL Schedule. Generate ideas for project launch! 


Provide a short project presentation and share with a wider audience of PBL experts for Final Certificate for 10 PD hours and Course Completion!

“My teachers and I gained tremendous insight through Kyle’s course and coaching by pushing past our comfort zones and providing students with a deeper level of engagement, rigor, active learning, and critical thinking.”


Anne Robinson

Instructional Coach at Gompers Preparatory Academy


“Whenever I thought of PBL, I would always think more about what I wanted students to produce instead of how I wanted them to show their understanding. I always felt I wasn’t doing PBL the way it was supposed to be done.


Your explanations and guidance on the whole process in terms of how we plan for and implement PBL really helped me visualize and better understand how to plan projects for project-based learning that would be engaging, meaningful and allow for student agency. It felt as if the PBL fog was lifted! I’m really excited and look forward to being able to plan and implement PBL now!”

Civen Ho

Elementary Teacher 

“Kyle’s enthusiasm and knowledge about Project-Based Learning was incredible. Despite the online mode of delivery, there was genuinely effective interaction between him and participants. The course was well structured with thoughtful progression from each session. Examples were inspiring and had huge reference value. Well done! ”

William Cheng

Program Director Educational Bureau Hong Kong


“Kyle was an amazing facilitator and trainer. I liked how he kept us on track and helped us when we got stuck. He modelled how we could give support or scaffolding to our students. What an amazing six weeks of training.”


Training Participant

Facilitator Bio

Kyle Wagner is the founder and lead consultant for Transform Educational Consulting, an organization that empowers forward thinking schools to grow and develop 21st century learners.

His work with project- based learning and design thinking experiences spans 12 years, three continents and over 15 schools. He has worked with successful public, charter and international schools in the Asia region including ESF, YCIS, IMS and ISB, HARBOUR SCHOOL and VTC. He is the former Coordinator of Futures Academy at the International School of Beijing, a program that uses interdisciplinary project- based learning to connect students to their passions and the world outside of school. His book “The Power of SIMPLE” documents this experience and helps provide simple, research- based strategies for developing students as 21st century problem solvers.

Kyle is also a former educator and project leader at High Tech High, the famous project-based learning school featured on the hit documentary “Most Likely to Succeed.” He holds a M.Ed. (Masters Degree) in Teacher Leadership with a thesis that focuses on developing democratic classrooms and distributed leadership models. When not writing or teaching, he is performing with his original band, participating in karaoke contests and traveling the world with his partner. He currently resides in Hong Kong where he spends time developing schools of the future while helping other school leaders build theirs.

Learn project-based learning
with a small community.

$375 USD per participant. 25% discount for groups of 4 or more.