Clients & Case Studies
Deeper Learning

“Over the past 2 years Kyle has demonstrated strong leadership and planning capabilities, and a fervent dedication to helping our school launch a programme of unrivaled quality.”
Karin Anne (Founder)

“My teacher teams loved the PBL Rubric you helped co-develop. We can now focus on individual aspects for planning and reflecting. What a great resource!”
Angie Nastovska, Innovations Coordinator

Workshop Participant

Workshop Participant

“Kyle was an outstanding partner to work with on the development of our food literacy curriculum for schools. Kyle immediately understood our vision for the project, took the challenge head on and delivered a great output that we can now use to engage all kinds of kids and schools. His passion for combining project-based learning and sustainability education were spot on. Kyle approached the work with a great deal of creativity, organisation and professionalism. Plus he made the process enjoyable and fun for all.” – Pol Fabrega, Co-Founder and COO Rooftop Republic
Case Study
The Background
The Need
The Delivery
The Transformation
“Kyle brings energy to PD and makes it easy to participate in. He provides timely feedback and positive encouragement.”
American International School
Case Study
The Background
The American International School, an innovative project-based school in Hong Kong was hoping to expand it ‘project intensives’ week into the day to day curriculum.
The Need
While teachers had experienced ‘project intensives,’ and witnessed the empowerment of students first hand, they were lacking a framework to help implement project-based experiences in a remote environment and within their curriculum. They were hoping to build out a training that helped empower their leaders to support staff, while also providing teachers with the tools to re-structure units of study to be integrated and project-based.
The Delivery
TEC worked closely with the leadership team to develop a comprehensive training starting with a kick-off session to spark interest; a deep dive of synchronous/asynchronous sessions with 20 members of staff; and a ‘hackathon’ to equip the remainder of staff with the tools to transition units to dynamic, integrated, community based project experiences.
The Transformation
Hear about the transformation from from Jose Rivera, the Learning Activator.
“It has been a pleasure working with Kyle. Kyle helped me confront my areas for improvement, see the importance of a SIMPLE and all encompassing driving question for each project, and have helped encourage the team and reassure them that they do some outstanding stuff”
Case Study
The Background
The Need
The Delivery
Developed a combination of workshops, online training and coaching for over 100 teachers organization wide. Implementation groups across campuses combined in a collaborative learning community to develop their capacities and lead teacher teams in project- based experiences.
The Transformation
“I just wanted to say a big thanks for your encouragement, guidance & overall positivity as we went through our process in Learning Lab. We’ve taken lots from our time together & I’m so grateful for your patience and kindness :) “
Ashley Durdle- Middle Loop Team Leader and Math Learning Designer
“I am confident that the Learning Lab teams have extracted as much as they can and we are happy with the ground that has been covered. Explore projects are gaining a lot of momentum and we want to build on that!”
Chad Walsh- Middle Loop Leader (Principal)
“I have really enjoyed your willingness to be flexible throughout this year especially as you were asked to meet agendas and protocols in the beginning. You were always positive and willing to offer feedback and a critical eye to our work.”
John Slack- Year 7/8 Learning Designer and Project Team Leader
Verso International School
Case Study
The Background
Verso International School is one of the most innovative schools in the Asia region. They design experiences not according to siloed subjects, but according to real world projects and needs. A team of facilitators co-design these experiences, and engage leaners in rigorous, real-world tasks to fulfill curricular and project goals. They also support learners in designing and carrying out their own individual projects.
The Need
Verso was looking to enhance the design and delivery of their interdisciplinary experiences; hoping to increase rigour, make more authentic community connections, and have learnes take increased ownership. They also needed to solidify their reporting and assessment mechanisms around core competencies.
The Delivery
Working closely with leadership team, TEC designed a four step process to meet these objectives. We started by uncovering the major challenges and needs of learning designers (teachers) in project design and implementation. Through conversations and observations, we designed trainings to build common frameworks and language around project design. Next, we worked together on more personalized coaching and training for project teaching teams. TEC worked with each team to establish individualized goals and collect evidence that they were reaching them; including making learner progress more visible, facilitating self-assessment, and developing more authentic opportunities. Next, we pivoted to best support individual studnet projects, through the development of a scope and sequence of required project skills with the chief learning designer (teacher). We concluded by developing shared competency and assessment rubrics across the entire Middle Loop (Middle School) to ensure continuity and the focus on ‘future ready skills.’
The Transformation
Middle Loop Leaders have reported feeling more aligned as a team on their shared goals. They have reported increased rigour in their learning experiences, more authentic connections, and more interdependencies built amongst ech project team.
“Kyle is the kindest trainer, along with having an encyclopedia for his mind! You can ask him anything regarding students and teaching and he will find a solution for you. Training never feels like “work” and yet, everything he teaches gets engraved in your mind. Kyle is now the voice inside my head, whenever I plan and implement PBL experiences. It has been an absolute pleasure knowing and learning from him.”
“Kyle is the kind of modern day facilitator who values participants as capable individuals, equips them with insightful techniques of conquering curricular standards through PBL experiences, blurs the boundaries between the classroom walls and the outer world, offers a safe space for discussion and discourse all the while trying to personalise learning according to each school’s unique context.”
Case Study
The Background
TNS/BEACONHOUSE is a series of international schools across Pakistan that uses a Reggio-Emila inspired, project-based approach to develop a ‘legacy of global minded, critical and high-order thinkers who will not only be the leaders of tomorrow, but internationally-minded contributors to making the world a peaceful place.”
The Need
TNS/BeaconHouse was hoping to build the capacity in its teaching and leadership team to move beyond simply the design of inquiry-based PBL experiences; but also the environments to support them. In short, they were hoping to transform teachers into learner-centered practitioners.
The Delivery
TEC worked closely with the leadership team to develop a year-long PBL 2.0 program. This program supported a small group of teachers in implementing the 12 shifts for learner-centered environments; shifting to co-designed, inquiry-based, socratic, community centered, active learning environments. Using a scaffolded approach, teachers learned about each shift, applied them to their classroom, and then reflected on the impact it had on student learning.
The Transformation
The leadership team has reported notable differences in the way students interact and behave in the training cohorts’ classrooms. Students initiate discussions, manage their projects, seek out and find necessary resources, teach each other, and organize their own exhibitions of learning. Teachers report greater comfort in transitioning to facilitators of learning experiences.
“Kyle’s ability to relate project- based learning to the standards based curriculum we offer in support of our students’ passions has really elevated the learning for all students in Futures Academy.” – Tarek Razik, Former Head of School International School of Beijing
Futures Academy
Case Study
The Background
The Need
The Delivery
The Transformation
“The project-based learning workshop was very intuitive.”
“Kyle goes above and beyond to cater for each individual teachers’ needs, specifically guiding them along and strengthening practices with learner-centered shift goals . Kyle shares many personal success stories to help guide the process and makes the impossible, seem possible.”
“I learned more in depth in Kyle’s PBL 2.0 Course than my Master PBL course.”
Case Study
The Background
KPIS is a prominent international school in Bangkok whose vision is to “enable students to become morally and ethically responible citizens in a globally competitive information-based society.” Given this bold vision, KPIS places great emphasis on its ESLRs (Expected Schoolwide Learning Results) around developing effective communicators, lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and global citizens.
The Need
Although there was a strong focus on relevant, 21st century skills, KPIS was looking for a consistent driver of these skills in students. Given its etrepeneurial origins, it was hoping to infuse more real-world, project-based experience to provide students with the skills they could not gain from seat time in a teacher-centered classroom.
The Delivery
TEC worked with the KPIS Elementary Team to develop a PBL 1.0 and PBL 2.0 program to train staff in the design and delivery of these experiences. PBL 1.0 helped Elementary Teachers develop their first interdisciplinary project-based experience according to grade level. Teaching teams worked with TEC to design their experience and gain feedback in each stage of the iterative process. After implementing their experiences, teachers reflected and transitioned to PBL 2.0 where they targeted specific shifts in their classroom to create a more ‘learner-centric enviornment.’ Through the 12 shifts framework provided by TEC, teachers set specific goals, received personalized training, collected evidence, and presented their learning and transformations to learner-centered facilitators.
The Transformation
As a result of the partnership, teachers report higher efficacy for implementing this learning model; increased engagement amongst students; more collegial collaboration with peers; and increased critial thinking and communication skills of learners. The elemetnary leadership team also reports better alignment around school wide goals.
Gompers Preparatory Academy
Case Study
The Background
The Need
The Delivery
We trained a cross-disciplinary 10th grade team over the course of 6 months to lead an inquiry-based learning experience for students. Coached each team member in the implementation of the experience based on their performance goals according to the ’12 shifts for student-centered environments.’
The Transformation
Wide community impact as inquiry- based experiences were scaled across other grade levels. Instructional coaches on campus gained new tools to build experiences and support teachers. GPA also developed partnerships with the community, including a retired pair of theatre directors who helped support student led teams in putting on a play. (pictured below)
“It is really difficult to manage students in online workshops, but Kyle was the best! He is very professional and an exellent teacher.”
Case Study
The Background
The Vocational Training Council was mandated to transition at least 40% of its curriculum to being project- based.
The Need
Lacking a comprehensive background in project- based learning, VTC leadership reached out to TEC to create trainings for program managers across its campuses.
The Delivery
TEC developed individualized trainings that were part online and part in person for VTC programs leaders across over 20 campuses. TEC also worked with VTC to create a comprehensive handbook, FAQ document and website for PBL delivery in the organization.
The Transformation
Vocational Training Curriculum and modules have been merged and integrated across departments including engineering, hospitality, business and design to create more real world opportunities for students with industry partners in Hong Kong.
“The time spent in this training has been great. It was beneficial to talk things through with our team and have collaboration time both with our team and with the whole group. Kyle was great at guiding our thoughts and helping us plan the steps for our projects. I was very overwhelmed at the beginning of this and feeling skeptical. With the process of this professional development it allowed me to dive deeper into the concept and break down all the parts. I know feel I am on good footing to follow through with the project with my students!”
Tammy Bentley, 3rd Grade Teacher
Tacoma School District
Case Study
The Background
Tacoma School District wanted to help teachers better engage + empower their distance learners through more holistic, culturally relevant learning experiences.
The Need
Teachers lacked training in developing holistic learning experiences, especially in a blended/ hybrid environment created by CoVid-19. They also wanted to expand the pedagogy started at two of their project-based learning schools to all schools in the district.
The Delivery
TEC developed a distinct online training that begin with webinar sessions to ignite and interest teachers, and then a series of DEEP DIVES for students to co-develop culturally relevant, holistic project based experiences in small teams. Instructional coaches and mentors worked with Kyle to support teachers and develop training materials and capacity for the rest of the staff.
The Transformation
Teachers report a greater feeling of efficacy as well as confidence to lead independent, self-directed learning with their students. The district has formulated key community partnerships, and in cooperation with key stakeholders, is using the training to scale best instructional practices across the district.
“Through this project week training and implementation, I better got to know my colleagues and improve interpersonal relationships, collaborate, and work together as a team.“
Year 7 Language Teacher
“PBL has allowed us in depth study of topics, rather than simply skimming the surface.”
Year 9 Science Teacher
“I learned through this training that the right topic and project can inspire even the most passive students.“
Year 8 Humanities Teacher
Cambridge International School
Case Study
The Background
Cambridge International School is a friendly, caring, international school with a strong focus on ‘aspiration’ and ‘inspiration,’ seeking to actively engage students with their surrounding world.
The Need
While CIS maintained a strong, family atmosphere, teachers rarely taught and planned together. Subjects were taught in isolation, with students attending several classes each day. And while there was a strong focus on academic curriculum, they had fewer opportunities to engage with the community, go deeper into learning, and become active citizens.
The Delivery
Working closely with the leadership team, inclusive of multiple stakeholders across the school, Kyle and TEC developed a cross-disciplinary ‘project week’ to help introduce the tenets of project based learning to students and staff. Each grade level planned an engaging project, from planetary colonization, to improving sustainability on campus. Building off this success, Kyle worked with the team to integrate PBL more fluidly into the timetable and curriculum. Forming ‘PBL Leads’ and ‘Subject Coordinators,’ Kyle has helped these teacher teams develop a scope and sequence for projects; graduate profile; and shift from subject based focus, to topical/ thematic studies.
The Transformation
Teachers have commented on the greater feelings of congeniality with staff, and positive engagement they see in students. Students now exhibit work regularly, and build community connections for their cross-disciplinary projects. Teachers now team together and integrate content fluidly within each experience.
Your Transformation Here
We work with individual schools, global collaborative workshops, coaching and at educational conferences.
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# of schools we have worked with
# of Training Programs
# of Learning Experiences we have co-developed
# of Educators we have trained
Get in Touch: 14/F China Hong Kong Tower. 8 Hennessy Road. Wan Chai, Hong Kong Phone: +852-5241-0423