When our students return post CoVid 19, they are going to require learning that moves beyond the four walls of our classrooms.
As global problem solvers, they will need skills that run across multiple subjects, disciplines and areas of expertise.
How as innovative, student-centered educators do we create these kinds of experiences for our students?
I sat down with student-centered guru Loni Berqvist, a former High Tech High Educator and Founder of ‘Imagine If,’ to answer this question. In this short interview Loni teaches us:
The starting point for interdisciplinary planning (spoiler alert: it’s usually not subject specific standards)
How to seamlessly connect content across 3-5 subject areas in a short 5 minute meeting with fellow colleagues
How the best project ideas come from places you’d least expect them
Why it’s ok not to know everything
How to design experiences that have even the toughest students begging you for more learning
Get access to the interview and the whole 12 shift learning series on creating student-centered classrooms below: