Let’s face it, there’s a lot of fake news out there right now.
The picture to the left is from a state sponsored Russian news channel. And while it depicts a tank recently destroyed by Ukranian forces, it has been manipulated by state TV to look like it was from the 2014 invasion (Source: BBC News, ‘Watching War on Russian TV,’ Simona Kralova).
Imagine if state sponsored news was your only source of information.
Right now, our students have access to a whole worldwide web full of information.
The challenge for us as educators is helping them sift through it.
I have gathered and collated some short mini-video clips that will introduce your students to skills for effective research.
They help answer important questions like:
- How do I determine a website’s validity?
- How do I find the author of a website, and check their credentials?
- How does understanding a website’s purpose help me better determine if it’s useful?
- Where do I start with my research topic? How do I develop research questions?
- What is bias, and how can I identify it and determine if the information presented is subjective or objective?
- What is plagiarism? How do I paraphrase information I find from the web, books, interviews, and videos and put it into my own words?
I hope the videos help your students think more critically, and support them in their journey to act as 🌎 global citizens in their Model United Nations Project.
Here are those videos.