This spotlight experience is shared in its entirety by Rafael Villaseñor Santiago, the Director of Innovation at Colegio Champal in Mexico. His school took on the challenge of holding an Emergency Security Council Model United Nations Meeting in response to the Ukraine invasion.

The Background

A few days ago, we received an invitation from Kyle Wagner to hold an emergency session responding to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Our school has participated in different local, national and international MUNs and we organize our own event every year where we receive delegates from other institutions. MUN is a simulation in which students represent the diplomats of the different member countries of the UN, and must be trained in issues inherent to their culture, domestic and foreign policy, economy and society to debate and resolve global problems.

The Project

The idea of ​​holding the event came from 4 teachers who were in charge of coordinating it. High School students were in charge of the organization and logistics of the event’s activities, as well as the opening and award ceremonies. We had 2 committees, of approximately 20 students each: one in English and the other in Spanish, with two sessions: a moderated debate and another of unmoderated debate to later move on to the development of the resolution project.

The Transformation

Once again, we confirm that the United Nations Model is an ideal activity to develop techniques of persuasion, negotiation and oratory, in an environment of tolerance and respect for diversity. The change does not stop, and we see an opportunity to contribute with thoughtful and collaboratively agreed proposals that seek to solve problems. In the face of a global crisis, a global response.
“In the MUN models there is always a great experience and learning, obtaining an important development of skills and knowledge in the participants. In this ChampalMun Emergency Session 2022, the objective was achieved with brilliant participation and a well-known organization, to solve the emerging problem, this being the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine, regardless of the ideological differences, the participating nations were united and motivated to offer the best proposals to support Ukrainian society and seek a solution to the problem by analyzing all areas through dialogue and diplomacy.” – Gabriel, 11th Grade
“The fact that the school always encourages us to do what we are passionate about and involves current issues, will help us a lot in the future to be citizens who are informed about what is happening around them and are capable of having an opinion. And to have achieved such an organized emergency session in such a short time is something admirable.” – Jacqueline, 12th Grade


“When we talk about a United Nations model, collaboration is key to carrying it out correctly and this could be observed at Champalmun Emergency Session 2022. In my experience, it was a very gratifying and profitable event since we could see how the most viable solutions, union and peace were sought, thus enriching the skills of the delegates who will be the ones who lead in the future, so it was an honor to be partaker of it. Without a doubt, an experience with a lot of relevance given the current world circumstances.” Gabriela, 11th Grade


“I took a pleasant experience from the emergency session since it was very realistic and the concern of the delegates about the situation that the population of Ukraine and Russia are experiencing today was evident. I feel very proud of the result!” – 10th Grade
Our school is located in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico and we are a community engaged in different global issues and developing positive leadership in our students, from preschool to high school.
Learn more about Colegio Champal: School Website.