How do we help students make geo-political associations and connections in preparing for their Model United Nations Project and Conference?
This was one of the most difficult concepts to teach when I ran Model United Nations Conferences in past years.
Alliances, relationships, and agreements between nations are complex and involve a LOT of history, geography and moving parts.
An easy way to help students start to understand those complexities is through mapping them out.
As they research, or connect with other delegates before or during the conferences, have students keep track of what they learn on a Google Jamboard Map.
This dynamic tool will allow them unravel the motives and investment every country has in the ongoing Ukraine conflict.
💡 Students can create symbols to represent countries that may have deeper ties to Russia.
💡 Use ‘stickies’ to jot down notes of what these ties might include.
💡 Use country flags to track alliances that have been formed.
I have included an example here for you, with a blank template on Jamboard #2 for you to use with your students.
I hope they help!
Your [co] learning experience designer,
p.s. In case you missed it, here is the folder full of resources to run your Model United Nations Conference, and here are all the posts I have written on the topic.