Are you the lone innovator in a school that doesn’t get project-based learning? How do get more on baord for PBL and scale it across the school? 

David Moore, a school leader, PBL practitioner and vintage car enthusiast got an entire community behind project-based experiences by converting his school’s car park into a Formula 1 Race Track.

Learn about the incredible and inspiring story of Faith Lutheran College, and how David transformed it from a place with declining enrollment, to one of the most sought after schools in the region. Learn how to:

  • Turn skeptical parents into your biggest believers.
  • Stay competitive with schools who have infinitely more money and resources.
  • Help 100% of staff feel ready for their first PBL experience through a 10 minute activity.
  • Use the power of exhibition to accelerate onboarding for PBL.
  • Transform archaic, siloed subjects, into real world, mixed-age courses.

Connect with David: LinkedIN

Learn more about Faith Lutheran College: 

Take the 12 Shifts for Learner-Centered Environments Scorecard:

David’s Bio: David Moore, Deputy Head of Secondary School – Learning. He has been teaching for the past 35 years in both the Public and private schools systems in Queensland, Australia. For the past 20 years he has been at Faith Lutheran College Redlands where he was a foundation teacher, moving through the curriculum pathways to the position where he is today. He is passionate about curriculum and learning being done differently so that students enjoy learning. The learning program designed at Faith creates courses based on a student’s ability not their age with Soloed subjects combined in a PBL environment.