As our Summers 🌞 wind to a close, I wonder how you are planning to start the new year with students.

My mom, a school teacher for 20+ years used to tell me, “There’s no second chance to make a first impression.”

What first impression will you make? How will you let students know that THEIR voice is valued? That learning is a cooperative process? That power in the classroom is shared?

Pictured above is how one teacher started his DAY One. Can you find him? Notice how he isn’t standing up dictating rules from the front of the classroom. Instead he’s laying on the ground with students. Listening. Eliciting THEIR voice in formulating class norms and agreements together. Within the first 15 minutes of the first day of school he has already laid the foundation for a STUDENT-CENTERED Environment.

Here are 5 ways to do the same:

  1. Start With a Circle ⭕ : Circles are perhaps the best shape for fostering equity and a student-centered community. Provide a few prompts and ask students to pair/share with the person next to them. Keep the prompts simple. Students can use one word to describe their Summers. Share their hopes/fears for the new school year. Use a talking stick or spin a marker to determine who will share. Most importantly, show that you VALUE their voice.
  2. Formulate Class Norms Together 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼: In teacher-led classrooms, teachers make the rules and are hell bent on showing students who’s boss on Day One. Don’t be that teacher. Instead, quickly team students in groups of 3 and ask them to come up with an agreement/norm together. After each group shares, chart the agreements on a large whiteboard or flip chart paper. Ask students to sign them at the end. This creates a classroom that shifts from “Me” to “We.”
  3. Let Students Design the Classroom Layout 👷🏼‍♀️: In Teacher-centered classrooms, tables are neatly aligned in rows facing the front. Student-Centered Environments are flexible and setup to best meet the needs of learners. It’s even better when students design them. Have students first complete a short Questionnaire around their learning styles; next, match them up according to similarities, and then have them draw out/design a class setup most conducive to their needs. After each group shares, you can take their input in designing the layout for DAY 2. This signals to students that you VALUE all of their unique learning needs.
  4. Distribute Interest Surveys 📜: In teacher-led classrooms, activities, projects, lessons, and learning experiences are designed around total # of students. In Student-Centered Environments, they are designed around individual interests and needs. Take the time to learn your student’s hobbies, strengths, favorite subjects, personal goals, and proudest achievements. You can collect this information on small 3×5 cards to have handy when designing units and learning experiences.
  5. Choose Class Jobs 🧹: In teacher-centered classrooms, the teacher does everything. In Student-Centered Environments, students share responsibility for cleanup, distributing handouts, decorating bulletin boards, feeding class pets, generating discussion starters, and all other jobs conducive to creating a vibrant classroom culture. Start with volunteers for each of these jobs and then rotate each week. This gives students a collective sense of OWNERSHIP over the classroom.

Your first day of school sets the tone for the entire year. Here’s to using the above activities to ensure it’s STUDENT-CENTERED.

Gain More Ideas for Building Student-Centered Environments 

In case you haven’t heard (but really, I don’t see how that’s possible :-)), I recently published a book chalk full of stories, strategies and structures to shift from a Teacher-Led to Student-Centered Environment in the new school year.

You can get that here: ‘Where is the Teacher: 12 Shifts for Student-Centered Environments.’ 

Join the 1,000 + teachers I have already trained and commit to making one of the 12 distinct shifts and I promise that you will experience a transformation like never before. You will watch once passive students transform into empowered, active citizens who take charge of their learning.

Here’s to building a STUDENT-CENTERED Day One.

Welcome Back!

Your [Co] Learning Experience Designer,