Are you officially back at school yet?!

If not, I imagine you have at least visited your classroom and are starting to feel those goosebumps imaginging it will be like when students walk in on the first day!

Last week I shared some activities to ensure students are at the CENTER. But how about the room setup? What do student-centered classrooms look like?

Pictured above is a student-centered classroom at Gompers Preparatory Academy in San Diego. What stands out to you?

Perhaps you notice that there are varied lighting fixtures; seating arrangements; and use of space. You also might be thinking, wait Kyle, where are the rows of seats and chairs facing the teacher? There aren’t any.

In student-centered environments, EVERYONE’S a teacher.

Here are 7 dead easy hacks to make your classroom Student-Centered as well:

  1. Purchase pop up tents and lava lamps at a local garage sale and create a space for focused reading and writing in our classroom corner.
  2. Buy cheap, cushioned blocks from IKEA and stack them in the corner of the room. Use them for a quick class huddle, circle time, or open work period.
  3. Purchase chalk paint at the local hardware store and transform the pillars in our room into writable surfaces.
  4. Recycle scrap wood blocks from the local construction site and use them to transform a few of our sitting desks into standing workstations.
  5. Cut a large piece of whiteboard into small rectangular pieces and make it accessible in an open cupboard for peer-to- peer teaching.
  6. Get rejected carpet square samples from the home decoration shop and spread them out on the hardwood floor for circle time.
  7. Buy a cheap plug-in stovetop and place it next to your sink for meal sharing.

Most importantly, INCLUDE students in the process of classroom design. Providing them with this sense of ownership will build a student-centered culture from day one.

Any more ideas? I would love to hear them and share with the community. :-) Just shoot me a quick response in an email. And…

Gain More Ideas for Building Student-Centered Environments 

In case you haven’t heard (but really, I don’t see how that’s possible :-)), I recently published a book chalk full of stories, strategies and structures to shift from a Teacher-Led to Student-Centered Environment in the new school year.

You can get that here: ‘Where is the Teacher: 12 Shifts for Student-Centered Environments.’ 

Join the 1,000 + teachers I have already trained and commit to making one of the 12 distinct shifts and I promise that you will experience a transformation like never before. You will watch once passive students transform into empowered, active citizens who take charge of their learning.

Here’s to building a STUDENT-CENTERED Day One.

Welcome Back!

Your [Co] Learning Experience Designer,