Artificial Intelligence is here.
And while many classrooms and schools are rightfully wrapping their heads around how to best incorporate it, as learner-centered practitioners we can get a head start this Summer. And have FUN in the process!
I just listened to a brilliant podcast episode from The AI Education Conversation entitled, “AI is Coming to Your Classroom/School. Here’s What You Should Do.”
Here are 5 common sense tips the host shared:
- Explore AI Tools: Have you tried Chat GPT? AI Image Generators? AI story starters and music creators? Take 30 minutes to play around with some of the tools. I just used AI to create a bridge for my new song on piano. The more comfortable we become with AI tools, the more we can understand which might be helpful in the context of our classroom. Here are a list of 30+ tools to play around with from technology coach Dalton Flanagan.
- Use AI as a Thought Partner: Need to develop lesson plans or units for next year? Don’t do it in isolation. Use AI as a thought partner. Give ChatGpt a concept you have to teach and ask for creative ideas around how to deliver it. I just asked Chat GPT to come up with 20 ways to introduce creative writing to 11 year olds, and in 10 seconds it came up with 20 ideas that would have taken me hours to think up on my own.
- Reflect on Best Use of AI in Classroom: After exploring and co-creating, you should be able to reflect on how AI might best be integrated in your classroom- for you, AND learners. Reach out to a colleague and get their thoughts. Co-create a fair usage policy to incorporate in your class syllabi. Better yet- co-create the usage policy with input from your learners, (who most likely know for more about AI than we do). You can even make that your first project!
- Develop Concrete Goals for AI Integration: After reflecting on AI use in the classroom, what action steps might you take for regularly integrating AI tools? Set concrete SMART Goals. Perhaps you want to use AI to generate 10 warm-up activities; icebreakers; or exit tickets over the first semester. After developing your own goals, work with students to develop their own SMART goals for AI integration. Perhaps it’s in co-generating 5 ideas for passion projects; 5 creative ways to start their writing pieces; 5 experiments they could run to test science theories they learned in class.
- Be KIND to Yourself: I think this is the most important tip. We aren’t experts in AI, nor will we be in a few short months. Take it easy on yourself as you learn. Have fun! And remember, although we aren’t experts in AI, we ARE experts in developing Learner-Centered Experiences and Environments. Think of AI as another tool to enrich them.
Got other tips for AI integration? Please share them in an email!
Here’s the link to that full podcast episode – -> AI Is Coming To Your Classroom: Here’s What You Should Do.
**Great News Alert: New Podcast Episode- AI and PBL**
P.S. Later this week, I’m releasing a podcast conversation with 2 learner-centered practitioners just like you around how they are using AI to enhance their learning experiences with students. Stay tuned for that episode!