How to Grow And Develop Teachers

How to Grow And Develop Teachers

Date: April 30th, 2019 It’s almost May and I imagine you are counting down the days until the end of the school year. Home stretch isn’t very far away! And while you are counting down the days, I’m also wondering if you have started thinking about growth for next...
How to come up with the idea for your kick- ass PBL experience

How to come up with the idea for your kick- ass PBL experience

When working with teachers and school leaders new to project- based learning, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is: “How to I come up with the idea for the project?” This single question can cause the greatest amount of stress, anxiety and worry for the...
Five Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Students

Five Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Students

So there’s this really famous Ted Talk by Ken Robinson entitled, “Do schools kill Creativity?” I’m sure most of you have seen it. It’s considered to be one of the greatest and most widely viewed Ted Talks of all time. For starters, I...
How to Move from Teacher to Project Facilitator

How to Move from Teacher to Project Facilitator

April 14th, 2019 Last week I witnessed magicians at work. And I wasn’t at a magic show. I was miles away from civilization, on a small island to observe 12 expert facilitators grow and develop 60 upper elementary students. Their magic was their ability to teach what...
Raising Stakes in Projects without Grades

Raising Stakes in Projects without Grades

That ‘Dirty LIttle Word’ Every time I lead a PBL workshop, the participants always dread Day Two. It’s the day we talk about that ‘dirty little word.’ Assessment. Most are surprised that such a topic could seep its way into what is supposed to be an...