From Project Zero to Project HERO

From Project Zero to Project HERO

Yesterday, at the end of a PBL training with three schools, I asked participants to reflect on their learning that day. Here’s a comment that stood out most: “I used to think project- based learning was somethingI would never be able to do, now I know I can do it.”...

Five Secrets to Building a Culture of Innovation

This past weekend I had the opportunity to visit one of the most innovative schools in the world, in one of the most unlikely of places.   Beijing, China.  The school’s name is Moonshot Academy. Not surprisingly, their vision is enormous.  They want to be a place that...
Do The Project First

Do The Project First

Have you assigned projects to students that you have never done yourself? I have. When I first began as a project- based teacher, I had very little ‘real world’ experience. And it showed. When I asked students to produce and publish their own books, I...

Reflecting on Learning with the PBL Seesaw

Date: April 1st, 2019 When you finish a project, how do you know it went well? Last week I posed that very question to a team of 3rd grade teachers who had recently finished a project on waste management. I simply asked them, ‘How did the project go?’ Their reactions...