by Kyle Wagner | Apr 16, 2023 | Blog, Project Examples
As we approach the end of the year, I wonder how you might finish strong with a deep and meaningful learning experience? Drew Matthew David, an ESL teacher in Vietnam closed out of his past years with a student produced drama around a script they wrote...
by Kyle Wagner | Apr 11, 2023 | Blog
Last week I addressed the ONE thing we need to build in our classrooms to pave the pathway to deeper, more meaningful project-based experiences in the Spring. DIALOGUE. But building dialogue is only the first piece of a much bigger puzzle. It’s a puzzle that...
by Kyle Wagner | Apr 3, 2023 | Blog
There’s only 1 thing necessary to start PBL in your classroom after Spring Break… And I’m almost certain as a learner-centered practitioner that you already have it in place. It’s more powerful than an idea of what product your class might... by Kyle Wagner | Mar 19, 2023 | Blog
During a #Twitter Chat a few days back, a Project-Based Teacher made a very poignant response to my provocation around building more authentic community connections for learning… I reckon you might feel the same way. As an edu-transformer who’s already...
by Kyle Wagner | Mar 19, 2023 | Blog
What do all of these products have in common? 💡 A field guide to the of the local flora and fauna in the region. 💡 A community garden. 💡 A recipe book for healthy meals using only 5 ingredients. 💡 A tourist handbook of the ‘hidden gems’ of the city. 💡 A...
by Kyle Wagner | Mar 5, 2023 | Blog
My partner is obsessed with Chat GPT. Right now he’s using it to help plan our 1,500 mile vacation across the Western United States. “What are the 5 best hikes for two in shape climbers in the Las Vegas region? Please rank them according to...