by Kyle Wagner | Apr 3, 2020 | Blog, Remote Learning, Resources
Are you having trouble engaging your online learners? So is everybody else. (me included) Here are the five biggest challenges teachers just like you are facing: Getting students to actively participate Keeping the attention of their Early Years Learners (ages 4-6)...
by Kyle Wagner | Apr 3, 2020 | Blog, Remote Learning
Are you sick of staring at a computer screen? I know I am. I learned recently that I have a two hour threshold for screen time. Beyond that and I turn into an anxious, uptight, stressed out creature who even ‘hangry’ people avoid. In short, I am no longer... by Kyle Wagner | Apr 3, 2020 | Blog, Remote Learning
For some of us this will be week #9 of online teaching. Are your eyes going batty yet? I know mine are. I’m reaching out this week to help you up your Zoom game. Although there is no way to replicate the energy, enthusiasm and excitement of the classroom, there... by Kyle Wagner | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog, Remote Learning
With classes temporarily suspended through at least April because of the coronavirus, I want to share with you my experience with facilitating and managing virtual classes. Having put together over a dozen virtual courses, I know the challenges teachers like you face...
by Kyle Wagner | Mar 20, 2020 | Remote Learning
How do I motivate my students to submit higher quality work? This is a challenge almost all educators are facing. Without the constant buzz of the classroom, it’s hard to keep students as motivated in the online space. I turned the problem over to our coaching...
by Kyle Wagner | Mar 20, 2020 | Blog, Projects, Remote Learning
A few days ago I called up my brother in California to find out how Evie (his daughter/ my niece) was holding up with the recent school closures. He assured me she is doing just fine. During ‘music class,’ she watches youtube tutorials on how to play...